Western blot

[ˈwestən blɒt]
  • 释义
  • 蛋白质印迹;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Effects on the protein expression of cyclin A , B _ 1 and D _ 1 were assessed by Western Blot.

    Western印迹检测细胞周期蛋白D1 、 A和B1表达的变化.

  • 2、

    This rubber drum diameter than part of the western blot.


  • 3、

    The samples were examined delicately to investigated the expression of LeY oligosaccharide by Western blot analysis.


  • 4、

    The amounts of C - erbB 2 were decreased in CDA - II - treated SWO - 38 cells with Western blot.


  • 5、

    Western - blot analysis with sera against CAV showed the fusion protein had good specificity.

    在 Western -blot免疫 印迹分析中,3个融合蛋白与CAV阳性 血清均能发生特异性反应,表明它们都具有良好的反应性.

  • 6、

    It is confirmed by RT - PCR , Western blot that CAV 2 - Δ E 3 - Rgp can express Rgp antigen in MDCK cell.

    通过RT -PCR 、 Westernblot等检测,表明该重组病毒能够表达Rgp抗原.

  • 7、

    The lev - els of Bcl - 2 and Bcl - X _ L proteins were examined by western blot analysis.

    Westernblot法分析细胞内Bcl -2 和Bcl -X _L蛋白水平的变化.

  • 8、

    Method: Using Western blot method to measure HSP of hypothalamus in febrile and hypothermal rats.

    方法: 取高、低体温大鼠下丘脑组织,应用蛋白印迹法测定热休克蛋白含量.

  • 9、

    Its immunoreactivity was analyzed by Western blot, ELISA and blocking ELISA using MAb and positive serum.

    采用单克隆抗体和阳性血清经ELISA、阻断ELISA、 免疫印迹分析重组蛋白的免疫反应性.

  • 10、

    Western - Blot assay indicated that the recombinant protein could react with polyclonal anti - serum bovis with good antigencity.

    Western -Blot分析表明,融合蛋白能够被牛分支杆菌阳性血清所识别,具有良好的反应原性.

  • 11、

    The results of western blot analysis were in accordance with those of 2 - DE.

    对部分差异蛋白采用Western-blot方法在蛋白水平的验证结果与 2-DE 结果基本相符.

  • 12、

    Methods: Using cell culture and Western blot, the TGF - � � 1 - induced expression of FN and ILK was tested.

    方法培养人肾小管上皮细胞(HKC),用蛋白印迹方法检测TGF - β1诱导HKC合成 FN和表达ILK的作用.

  • 13、

    Western - blot analysis with ARV - positive serum showed the fusion proteins had good specificity.

    Western—blot分析表明σC和 σB蛋白 均与ARV抗血清产生特异性反应.

  • 14、

    This CTB gene product was also verified by Western blot analysis.

    Westernblotting结果确认了该条带为CTB基因 的产物.

  • 15、

    Expression of bFGF and FG - FR , in ovarian epithelial cancer tissue were detected by western blot.

    western blot 方法检测上皮性卵巢癌组织中bFGF和 FGFR_1的表达.
